Sizi süper tasarımcı yapacak 15 HTML5 Eğitimi
12 yıl önce
1.Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design

2.Coding An HTML 5 Layout From Scratch

3.One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3

4.Structural Tags in HTML5

5.HTML5 for Beginners

6.How to Build a Single Product Page

7.HTML5 Visual Cheat Sheet

8.HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

9.The HTML5 test

10.HTML5 Bookmarks

11.Build an HTML5 Signup Form with Dynamic CAPTCHA

12.How to create HTML5 apps on Windows Phone with PhoneGap

13.Create HTML5 Desktop Apps & Games

14.Advanced form with HTML5

15.The Importance Of HTML5 Sectioning Elements

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